Excellent Reputation

Excellent Reputation

An expert in the field of vacuum coating equipment in the industry

Word of mouth communication of excellent products and services is JAVAC's belief. We always value the customer's word of mouth and regard it as the best advertisement.

Jason Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd.(JAVAC) is recognized as an expert in the field of vacuum coating equipment in the industry. JAVAC has been adhering to the concept of quality first and the pursuit of excellence, which is the cornerstone of our company's solid and steady development. JAVAChas a strict pursuit of equipment production and high quality products. We follow SOP standard operation procedures and manufacture in strict accordance with ISO9001 standard. The whole line of products has passed pre-factory debugging and customer on-site process confirmation to ensure the quality of finished products.

Enterprise Certification


High Tech Enterprise Certificate


Technology Little Giant Enterprise


Sponsor of Vacuum Coating Branch of Surface Engineering Association

Patent Certification and Letter of Appointment

Utility Model Patent Certificates

Integrated Circuit Layout Design Registration Certificates

Letter of Appointment from the School of Materials and Engineering, Shanghai University

Product Consulting

If you have any questions or other requirements, our professional team is ready to give you the most suitable solutions and help.